Transitioning Educator 

5-Day Challenge VIDEO LIBRARY

Transitioning Educators

5-Day Challenge! 

What's inside the 5-Day Challenge?


MODULE 1: How to identify your career shift NEEDS


MODULE 2: The BEST and most ACCESSIBLE  EdTech roles for transitioning educators


MODULE 3: Experience BOOSTERS you can pursue NOW to help you stand out in your EdTech job search!


MODULE 4: Tips and tools to help you FIND your ideal EdTech role


MODULE 5: Tips and tools to help you LAND your EdTech dream job.

Ready to invest in your future?


Will be $27
Exclusive discount ends soon



I've Been There!


I wish so badly I would have had resources like these 8 years ago when I first started my transition from the classroom.

I wish I would have had a friend, or a mentor that would have been there for me to tell me the way I was feeling about my wanting to transition from the classroom was normal and ok.

I remember feeling small, scared, and even a little guilty.


Often wondering how I was going to stand out in a pool FILLED with outstanding candidates.


I remember doubting myself, looking around and wondering if I really COULD have it all.


Work-life balance, AND a mission to support students.


A flexible schedule, AND the type of work structure that helps you stay sane.


Remote work, AND the ability to still have positive working relationships.

You were born to make an impact.

I believe that wholeheartedly.

We all have something inside of us that makes us great.

You may not even believe that about yourself right now , but I see it.

I believe in you, and I want to share with you everything I know so that you can make your transition possible before the end of the school year!



Transitioned Teacher

Vanessa Carcanaquez

"Gaby was such an important part of my transition from the classroom to tech.  I had been searching for a position in tech for months when I met with Gaby for a 1:1.  She gave me excellent advice for how to get my foot in the door at an Ed Tech company.


I took her advice and began a position within the next few weeks


It was a great start and led to me landing my full time at a tech company.


I cannot say enough great things about the difference my meeting with Gaby made in my career transition. She provides actionable next steps in her recommendations and was very patient in answering all of my questions.”


What format will the instruction be provided in?

This 5-Day Challenge  is a balance of pre-recorded videos, filled with instruction, PDF resources,  plus an additional private support group.


I work full-time, can I fit this program into my schedule?

The 5-Day Challenge is primarily self-paced. You’ll need to mark your calendar down for our group-coaching call with me for live feedback and customized direction, but the other resources and trainings are on-demand and will be emailed to you as soon as you hit the purchase button! 🥳






Will I lose access to the challenge videos and resources if I don't complete the challenge in 5 days?

No, your access does not expire as all sessions and resources will either be pre-recorder or recorded and shared with you.

What if I can't attend the live group coaching call?

The live call  will always be recorded and emailed to you so you can review and watch it in your own time and at your own pace.





Don't be afraid to give up the good, to go for the great! 


Be stubborn about your goals, and flexible about your methods.


These resources CAN take your transition and job search from good to GREAT!

Don’t miss out on this affordable learning opportunity!